Invoice Agreement
*** There is no sign-up fee
By signing up for our website, you agree to remit all future payments to the Sudbury and District Home Builders’ Association within 60 days.
Failure to do so will result in a monthly $50 administration fee and an interest fee of 2% monthly (~26.*% per annum)
Cancellation of registration for events (Home, Renovation and Style Show, Golf Tournament, AGM, Socials etc) must be made in writing within 21 days of the event date.
Cancellations made after the 21 days are subject to the full invoice amount or 50% of the total invoice amount. Adjustment of invoice total will be at the discretion of the Executive Officer.
​​Once a purchase is processed, there will be no refunds or cash value exchanges. Exchange/balance forwarding may be available at the discretion of the Executive Officer.